For your information, we have provided some answers to questions that have been sent in over the years.
Q: We have a fundraiser to help provide water in Haiti. Can you spread the word and/or cover our event?
A: Wish we could, but due to our limited staff and the huge number of local nonprofits, we are only able to cover North Texas-based 501 (c) (3) accredited nonprofits and fundraisers that directly benefit the area with the majority of its funding.
Q: Last month we held an event and have photos and a release about it. Can you run it?
A: We only accept recap in a Word document, photos and photo IDs of an event that we are unable to cover due to a prior commitment. Since we weren’t invited to your event, we regret that we won’t be able to post it.
Q: What is the deadline for getting materials to you, if you were invited but weren’t able to attend?
A: 48 hours after the event.
Q: What is a “recap?”
A: It is a first-person write up that makes the reader feel as if they were there. It should include interaction by guests.
Q: Our company had three nonprofits compete for $10,000 prize. To win, all the nonprofits had to do was have their followers vote. Will you promote our competition?
A: Since MySweetCharity is all for collaboration, the idea of area nonprofits competing with each other doesn’t fit the MSC’s mission.
Q:Over the years, we’ve grown our organization from benefiting Dallas and Tarrant County to the state of Texas! We just announced news our statewide work. Does this fit your criteria?
A: Thank you for the information, but due to our limited staff and resources and the more than 3,000 area non-profits, we’ve been forced to limit our coverage to organizations and news that focus more than the majority of funding and efforts to the local community. We wish you the very best of success and regret that we won’t be able to assist at this time.
Q: We have an event tomorrow and want to invite you to cover it. If you can’t make it, can we send you a recap?
A: For coverage of an event to be considered, an invitation must be received at least two weeks prior to the event.
Q: We have a new program starting and would love to have lunch to tell you about it. Let me know when you’re available.
A: Unfortunately due to the overwhelming number of North Texas non-profits and our limited resources and time, we just aren’t able to take advantages of such kind invitations. Instead, please send information and we’ll see what we can do.
Q: We’re having a grand fundraiser in a few weeks. Unfortunately, the hosts will not allow media coverage. However, we’d love to have you cover our kick-off and patron parties?
A: So very glad to hear about plans to help your organization. However, since we’re not allowed to cover the main event, our policy prohibits us from covering or promoting the events leading up to it. Best of success with your effort and sorry we can’t help.
Q: I am happy to report that I recently divorced my husband after 25 years of marriage. Will you please remove any photos of us?
A: Sorry to hear about your marital situation, but like any media outlet, we don’t change content once it’s been posted unless it is incorrect. At the time the photos were taken and published, you were still a married twosome.
Q: We’ve hired the most wonderful new receptionist. Will you announce it?
A: Congratulations on the new hire! Alas, due to the overwhelming number of changes in personnel, we have had to limit our coverage to only those involving board members and the CEOs, presidents and executive directors of the organizations.
Q: We’ve raised a lot of money. How do we get is published?
A: We only publish net amounts with the majority of the money benefiting a local non-profit.
Q: Our neighborhood association collected furniture and kitchen supplies for an organization helping the homeless. Will you share this with your readers?
A: Unfortunately, due to our limited staff and the countless worthy projects donating items for others, we are unable to cover them. Thank you for your effort and keep up the great work.
Q: We just got the great news that we’re going to benefit from a shopping event. We’ll receive 10% of the sales. Can you share the news with your readers? Also, can we look forward to your covering it?
A: What great news for you and the store! Due to the overwhelming number of shopping events benefiting nonprofits, we just aren’t able to cover or promote them. Best of luck and happy shopping.
Q: We have a golf tournament coming up. Want to play? If not, can we submit a recap?
A: Thanks for the offer, but none of us plays golf and there are just too many golf tournaments, walks/runs and graduations for us to promote, cover or to accept recaps. However, feel free to post it on MySweetCharity Calendar. Here’s a link to the submission form.
Q: Can you cover our virtual fundraising cocktail party next Saturday?
A: Unfortunately, at this time virtual events do not fit our format for coverage. Hopefully, that situation will change in the future. The only exceptions are if a news announcement is to be made or if MySweetCharity is the digital sponsor prior to the pandemic taking place.
Q: Why hasn’t my comment been published?
For first-time commenters, we send a “comment confirmation” email to confirm. Once the commenter responds okaying the publishing of their comment, it’s posted.
Q: We’d like to buy advertising on MySweetCharity. Can you send us your pageviews, unique viewers, etc.?
A: Sorry, but our pricing is not based on hits or traffic. MySweetCharity is a specialty site, just like Tiffany is. The best way to judge our following is to check out our sponsorship relations with the area’s top charities. Please feel free to contact them for verification that MySweetCharity is the leading outlet for nonprofit and philanthropic news and activities.
Q: Do you share information about MySweetCharity subscribers?
A: No. Never have, never will.
Q: Our office was broken into and all of our equipment was stolen. Can you post about our GoFundMe page?
A: So very sorry to hear about your break-in. Unfortunately, we discovered years ago that there are just too many deserving GoFundMe campaigns for us to promote. Perhaps one day we’ll have enough staff, so we can cover such necessary efforts.
Q: Are there any ads or events that you won’t cover?
A: We do not cover activities or news of a controversial nature like political campaigns, pro-choice/pro-life, etc. There are other websites and blogs that are available for such topics. As one person put it, “If there are two sides to an issue, it won’t be on MySweetCharity.”
Let us know if there is a question that hasn’t been addressed here and we’ll try to come up with the answer. Just send your question to Jeanne Prejean.
* Photo credit: Skeeter Hagler