While some of the 2023 Dallas Symphony Orchestra League debs and their families were out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, a cluster of them and their families and members of the Honor Guard gathered at the Meyerson on Wednesday, November 23. In addition to a cocktail reception and seated dinner, the debs were presented at the top of the stairs leading to the McDermott Concert Hall. Here’s a report from the field:
The 2023 Dallas Symphony Orchestra League debutantes were honored at a holiday reception and seated dinner on Wednesday, November 23, at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center. The evening was the start of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend which included a mixer for the debs and honor guard, as well as a Bow Boot Camp for the debs.
The debutantes, honor guards and their families were welcomed by Presentation Ball Chair Karen Cox.
“Thank you for spending your holiday evening with us,” said Karen. “This year, as we look forward to the brighter days ahead in Dallas after the pandemic, we are ever so grateful for the opportunity to celebrate and honor the inspiring and resilient young women and men who comprise our 2022 Debutantes and Honor Guard, as well as their families.”

The evening was chaired by Janice Walsh who was unable to be there.
Each of the 26 debutantes was formally introduced by emcee Stan Gardner and joined by an honor guard escort for the presentation. A debutante presentation gift of pearl earrings was provided by Eiseman Jewels NorthPark Center.
In attendance were proud parents including Kathy and Harlan Crow, Dena and Vaughn Miller, Heather and Bill Esping, Dawne and Patrick Tribolet and Yvette Ostolaza and Peter B. Dewar.

During the Christmas Holidays, the debs will return for another busy schedule of parties and bow practice. All the many events will culminate with the 37th Presentation Ball which will be held on Saturday, February 11.
The 2023 Debutantes are: Britton Barcus, Margaret Bracken, Stephanie Ciarochi, Kate Clark, Sarah Crow, Elena Dewar, Gracie Dix, Natalie Duvall, Arden Eiland, Charlotte Esping, Kaitlin Ann Kelly, Celeste Lay, Ella Marks, Ellie Michaelson, Gigi Miller, Lydia Pigott, Morgan Potter, Sasha Schwimmer, Ellie Steindorf, Catherine Stiles, Elizabeth Thompson, Lucy Tilden, CeCe Tribolet, Danielle Ward, Paige Williams and Nicole Zimmer.

The Presentation Ball, which was first held in 1987, is the largest fundraiser for the DSOL. Over $13 million has been raised for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra through the annual event, which was created with the vision of long-time League member Tincy Miller, who chaired the first ball.
Founded in 1946, the DSOL’s mission is to support the Dallas Symphony Orchestra through service, education and fundraising activities. Since 1998 the League has contributed over $21 million in support of the Dallas Symphony Association’s Community Outreach and Education programs, which help bring the wonder of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra to thousands of youths and adults in the Dallas Metroplex.
* Photo credit: Deborah Brown ** Photo credit: Gittings