With beautiful skies and stroll-around temperatures, February started off as friendly as a jeweler on Valentine’s Day eve. One of the month’s first get-togethers was the Crystal Charity Ball new members breakfast on Tuesday, February 1.
Instead of years past when the event took place at 2014 CCB Chair Robyn Conlon’s home, this one had to be held in the Dallas Country Club’s Founders Room. It wasn’t that Robyn had opted out. No, she was still underwriting the event. But because of her latest grandchild being born a couple of days before, Robyn was grand-babysitting.
As it turned out, the newbies proved their mettle. In preparation for their new roles, CCB Advisors Angie Kadesky and Candace Winslow had stressed the importance of being on time for any and all gatherings. Heeding those words, Lisa Loy Laughlin and Victoria Snee arrived 15 minute early.
Speaking of Candace, she proudly reported that husband John Winslow had returned to work the day before after recovering from a stroke last year.
As the newbies, 2022 CCB committee leaders (Lindsay Ballotta, Jennifer Dix, Elizabeth Gambrell, Wendy Messmann, Mary Martha Pickens and Kristina Whitcomb) and Tanya Foster, Amy Hegi, Laura Downing, Kristi Francis, 2009 CCB Chair Debbie Oates and 2011 CCB Chair Connie O’Neill gathered, 2022 CCB Chair Susan Farris was mulling a decision about the timing of the 2022 beneficiary finalists presentation, who were to make their pitch 48 hours later on Thursday, February 3. The problem for once wasn’t COVID. It was the arrival of Winter Storm Landon.
From early reports, Landon was going to create hazardous conditions Thursday. Translation: Slippery problems on ice-covered roads.
Susan had to make a Solomon-like decision on whether to hold the presentation at the Arts District Mansion on Friday, February 4, or the following week. It wasn’t an easy call since there were so many working parts (i.e. 100 committee members, beneficiary representatives, venue availability, A/V provider, staffing, etc.).
But her decision would be made hours later. In the meantime, it was time to officially welcome the class of 2022 (Bonner Allen, Shannon Graham, Diana Hamilton, Lisa Loy Laughlin and Victoria Snee) and let the committee heads briefly report on their areas of responsibility. Due to a prior commitment, newbie Sheilon King was unable to attend the breakfast.
Unlike other organizations with new members, there was no hazing, initiation ritual nor testing. Rather, this event was to bring the newest members together, meet each other and learn what they could expect during the year ahead.
As the brunch ended, the sun was shining and the temperatures were in the upper 60s. Just 36 hours later it would be a different story that Susan would have to deal with.