According to Parkinson Voice Project Office Assistant Hayley Ruffner,

“Parkinson Voice Project is wishing for 8 oz. bottles of water this holiday season! We know you must be wondering what Parkinson disease and water bottles have in common. Well, we’re glad you asked! Parkinson Voice Project is the only 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the country solely dedicated to preserving the voices of those with Parkinson’s. All therapy services are provided for free; the program is funded entirely through donations. Parkinson Voice Project specializes in providing intensive voice therapy to individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s and related neurological disorders. 200 Parkinson’s patients come through our clinic weekly for Voice Therapy and Singing Class, and all their vocal exercises make them thirsty!

“Why not provide cups of water, you ask? Well, have you ever tried to hold a glass of water with hand tremors? It’s not easy! However, small 8 oz. bottles with a screw on top have been the perfect solution! And speaking of solutions, we have one for all the empty bottles after use: We Recycle! If you would like to take part in saving the voices of people with Parkinson’s this holiday season, please drop a case of 8 oz. water bottles off at Parkinson Voice Project between January 6th and January 31st (9am-5pm): 646 N. Coit Road, Suite 2250, Richardson, 75080 or contact Samantha Elandary at (469)375-6500 or [email protected]. For more information about Parkinson Voice Project, visit us at”
-Hayley Ruffner, Parkinson Voice Project office assistant
* Graphic and photo provided by Parkinson Voice Project