Adding the oomph factor to the 2022 Art In Bloom’s “Art Of The Jewel,” guests wore their most fashionable jewel tones on Monday, March 7 for the Dallas Museum of Art League fundraiser at the Dallas Museum of Art. But before the guests could settle down for lunch, a live auction and raffle in the Hamon Atrium — decked out with faux cherry blossom trees, a life-size peacock and … [Read more...] about MySweetCharity Photo Gallery Alert!: 2022 Art In Bloom
Di Johnston
Turtle Creek Conservancy’s 2022 Day At The Races Letter Signing Revealed A “True” Love Backstory
As Jennifer and Richard Dix’s household was juggling past oops and leading forth on Thursday, February 10, the street in front of their home was jammed with everything from constructions trucks to sedans. On the outside, workers repaired the house’s roof damaged from the previous week’s Winter Storm Landon. It seems that a major chunk of ice had plummeted onto the roof, … [Read more...] about Turtle Creek Conservancy’s 2022 Day At The Races Letter Signing Revealed A “True” Love Backstory
2021 Crystal Charity Ball Chair Leslie Diers’ Tea Was A Continuation Of Peace, Love, London
A couple of weeks after the Crystal Charity Ball, the outgoing chair usually holds a tea to thank the committee and staff for their support. But 2021 CCB Chair Leslie Diers’ tea seemed to be more of an after-party for her Peace Love London theme gala. It was obvious that the whimsy factor was in place before guests like Ola Fojtasek, Lisa Cooley, … [Read more...] about 2021 Crystal Charity Ball Chair Leslie Diers’ Tea Was A Continuation Of Peace, Love, London
The Layton Ladies Revealed Women’s Auxiliary Of Equest Luncheon Raffle Items At Highland Park Village
There was a new fellow hanging out in front of the Carolina Herrera salon in Highland Park Village the evening of Thursday, September 16. His name was Ranger and he, along with his blonde pal, Dare, were showstoppers. New to the area, he was quickly a babe magnet. Equest Women’s Auxiliary Founder Louise Griffeth couldn’t resist the newest member of the Equest mini-ambassador … [Read more...] about The Layton Ladies Revealed Women’s Auxiliary Of Equest Luncheon Raffle Items At Highland Park Village
MySweetCharity Photo Gallery Alert!: 2020 And 2021 Crystal Charity Ball Newbies Reception
Noontime at Highland Park Village looked like a luxury car lot on a slow day. The vehicles were top-drawer, but they weren’t budging and finding a parking place was like searching for a contact lens in a shag rug. So the ladies of Crystal Charity Ball had two options in attending the new members get-together at Carolina Herrera — valet or take a workout on their stilettos after … [Read more...] about MySweetCharity Photo Gallery Alert!: 2020 And 2021 Crystal Charity Ball Newbies Reception
KidneyTexas Inc.’s Runway Report Came Together Remotely For Fashion, Food And Fundraising
KidneyTexas Inc. President Sandy Secor and The 2020 Runway Report Chair Sharon Ballew didn't let a little thing like a pandemic and its restrictions dim their mission to hold the annual fashion show/luncheon fundraiser. Working together with fashion producer Jan Strimple, Tootsies' team of Nerissa von Helpenstill and Dustin Holcomb, video producer Maurice Ballew and a bevy of … [Read more...] about KidneyTexas Inc.’s Runway Report Came Together Remotely For Fashion, Food And Fundraising
Wilkinson Center Honored People And Organizations With A “Can Do!” Spirit At Annual Luncheon
Before the doors to the Dallas Country Club ballroom opened for Wilkinson Center’s Eighth Annual Can Do! Luncheon on Monday, March 2, the crowd had filled the entry hall. Luncheon Chair Pam Busbee was reviewing her notes; Underwriting Chair Lisa Longino was back from her fundraising for Sweet Briar; 2020 CCB Tucker Enthoven was thrilled over the response to the addition of … [Read more...] about Wilkinson Center Honored People And Organizations With A “Can Do!” Spirit At Annual Luncheon
MySweetCharity Photo Gallery Alert: 2020 Can Do! Luncheon
Just days before North Texas was slammed by COVID-19, Wilkinson Center's 2020 Can Do! Luncheon got underway on Monday, March 2, at the Dallas Country Club to celebrate the accomplishments of individuals and organizations showing a "can do" spirit. It was a great turnout of longtime Wilkinson Center supporters and friends of the honorees. While … [Read more...] about MySweetCharity Photo Gallery Alert: 2020 Can Do! Luncheon
2019 Crystal Charity Ball Chair Pat McEvoy’s Thank You Tea Bubbled With Christmas Cookies
As if it wasn’t enough to hold the Crystal Charity Ball gala for more than a thousand philanthropic types and closing a record-breaking year of fundraising for Dallas children’s charities, 2019 CCB Chair Pat McEvoy hosted a tea in her home for the CCB committee members like Su-Su Meyer, Kristina Whitcomb, Tucker Enthoven, Di Johnston, Stacey Walker, Christie Carter, Mary … [Read more...] about 2019 Crystal Charity Ball Chair Pat McEvoy’s Thank You Tea Bubbled With Christmas Cookies
JUST IN: 2020 Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary Kicked Off With Ellen McStay As Honorary Chair And Margot Perot Service Award Going To Carol Seay
Since the Sunday, October 27th tornadoes swept through North Texas leaving a trail of destruction, homeowners, shop owners and, yes, nonprofits are pulling themselves together to move forward. Tonight, with a full moon overhead, two nonprofits originally scheduled to kick off their fundraising efforts the days after the onslaught held their events. First on the schedule was … [Read more...] about JUST IN: 2020 Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary Kicked Off With Ellen McStay As Honorary Chair And Margot Perot Service Award Going To Carol Seay
Terry Crews Recalled His “Toxic Male” Recovery At Annual Genesis Luncheon
Terry Crews was busting with man-ism on Friday, May 10, at the Anatole. As guests gathered in the Wedgwood Room for the VIP meet-and-greet, the former NFL player was the consummate man’s man as he talked with Genesis Women’s Shelter CEO Jan Langbein. His lavender pocket square matched his lavender shirt with white curved collar. Over in another part of the room, Terry’s wife … [Read more...] about Terry Crews Recalled His “Toxic Male” Recovery At Annual Genesis Luncheon