It appears that Mother Nature must have left the spigot running before taking off for Wednesday’s holiday. With North Texas streets looking like the canals of Venice within a matter of minutes this afternoon, traffic was stymied. Pity the last-minute shoppers trying to score the perfect gift as retailers were closing early tonight.
The good news is that the rains will taper down overnight just in time for a very special day for two religious groups — Christians celebrating Christmas and those of the Jewish faith beginning the eight days of Hanukkah at sunset.
Already St. Nicholas and his team of reindeer are trekking around this world. Tracking them on NORAD, it’s interesting to note that their stops cross all geographic borders, political leanings, border disputes and religious difference for a simple reason — their mission is to bring the gift of happiness to children of all ages.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah from the MySweetCharity team of Jimmie, Shauna, Glenn and Jeanne.
P.S. — Due to the record-breaking number of submissions for the MySweetWishList series, we still have more wishes in need. For this reason, we will run the remaining wishes through the rest of the year and thank you for the series sponsor for helping these wishes come true.