Christy Thompson‘s and Stephen Hill‘s Texas-sized mansion in Volk Estates has been under construction for what seems like ages. But on the night of Thursday, November 2, the 24,000-square-foot house with its dramatic double-curved stairway and what seemed like miles of marble and handscraped hardwood floors had its official debut for the 2023 Crystal Charity Ball‘s Circle of Angels dinner.
To add to the sound of the night were the placement of violinists on the staircases and in the center of the second-level landing.

Even the most worldly types couldn’t help but wander through the home. While one guest wished she had worn her walking shoes to take in all the rooms, another laughed that Christy and Stephen “might have people living here they don’t know about!”
But despite all the grandeur there were little items that caught the eyes of some in a display case, with dolls from around the world plus Star Wars C-3PO and R2-D2 that proved that real people did live in the home.

To accommodate the 120 guests including 2023 CCB Chair Angie Kadesky and her husband Dr. Kevin Kadesky, Tricia George, Dinner Chair Mary Clare Finney, Daffan and Doug Nettle, Karen and Mark Carney, Heather Esping, Kristi and Ron Hoyl, Carmen Godwin and Patti Flowers and Tom Swiley, both the two-story great room and the adjacent game room were brimming with tables for the dinner underwritten by Deloitte and cooked up by Cassandra.

But the night wasn’t without its surprises, as former CCB Chair Jill Smith found out.
While the post is being finished up, check out some of the “angels” of the night at MySweetCharity Photo Gallery.