Pooch Parade Chair Barney Betts is howling over plans for Sunday’s Easter In Turtle Creek Park. His human companions/Event Co-Chairs Gina and Ken Betts and sons Jack Betts and Logan Betts have just confirmed that come rain or shine, the 50+ year-old tradition with food trucks, music, games, photos with the Easter Bunny and an Easter Egg Recognition Wall will officially start at 1 p.m. with the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt getting underway at 1:30 p.m.
Then the Pooch Parade will commence at 2 p.m. followed by a live performance by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra Brass Quintet.
The parade is legendary in North Texas kennels because the dogs and their escorts are dressed in festive Easter attire before a panel of local celebrity judges along Turtle Creek Boulevard with prizes being awarded.
According to Barney, online advance registration is open until 11:59 p.m. Friday here.
But he got organizers to also allow people and their pooches to register on Sunday from noon to 1:15 p.m. at the Pooch Parade Registration Table on Turtle Creek Boulevard near Lemmon. Registration is $25 per costume entry with proceeds benefiting the Turtle Creek Park Conservancy.
He also emphasized the following rules:
- No aggressive or female dogs that are in season are allowed.
- Dogs must be on a leash and in control by their owner at all times.
- Owners must clean up after their dogs.
Barney reports that the parade is limited to people and canines and suggests that catty protesting and horsing around should be discouraged.
* Photo provided by the Gina and Ken Betts family ** Photo provided by Turtle Creek Park Conservancy