When Michelle Collins offered her home to her friend/2023 Crystal Charity Ball Chair Angie Kadesky for the annual CCB Advisory Board reception, she didn’t realize what lay ahead. Little did any of the 2023 Crystal Charity Ball Advisory Board guests at the Collins’ home on Thursday, March 9, have a clue of the challenges confronting her in hosting the evening’s cocktail reception. Many in her place would have thrown in the “wet” towel and put an “Out Of Order” sign on the front door. Instead she greeted each of the guests with a smile and not a hair out of place.
And what were the tests put upon Michelle?
Well, first there was the street construction blocking off Lakeside Drive that had been creating all types of headaches for Highland Park drivers. But that shouldn’t have affected the Collins’ home — until the day of the event, when threatening signs were posted discouraging anyone from venturing onto the street in front of the Collins home. Luckily, the valet parkers came to the rescue, balancing the drop-off in front of the house and then whisking cars away to more accommodating streets.
And, of course, the day’s forecast of rain eliminated the plan to utilize the backyard for the expected turnout of 70.
As if that wasn’t enough, Michelle discovered that some plumbing gremlins had opened the pipes seeping water from the utility room to the kitchen.

But like pioneer women of old, Michelle seamlessly went into damage control with major fans and transformed her indoor waterworld into a perfect place for CCB Advisory Board Members Richard Eiseman, Linda Perryman Evans, Jeff Markham and Annette Simmons to meet and learn firsthand from representatives of 2023 CCB seven beneficiary non-profits — After-School All-Stars’ Justin Hensley, Buckner Children and Family Services’ Rhandi Bobo and Jerilynn Armstrong, Fair Park First’s Heather Stevens, Family Gateway’s Ruthie Umberger, Cindy Allen and Michelle Frymire, Metrocare Services’ John Burrus and Tameka Cass, The Salvation Army Of North Texas’ Majors Dawn and Paul McFarland and YMCA Dallas’ Curt Hazelbaker, Kathryn Allen and Ken Malcolmson.

Hats off to Michelle for being the hostess who faced the mostest in 2023.
For more photos of the night, check out MySweetCharity Photo Gallery.