The 2022 Crystal Charity Ball committee members may have felt like it was on Ground Hog Day for its 2022 Wrap Up Luncheon on Wednesday, November 16. With top hospitable greetings from the curb by valet parkers at Headington Companies’ Joule Hotel’s Sassetta restaurant, it had all the signs of a return to pre-pandemic days of seamless eventing. But it didn’t exactly go that way. More about that later.
Before the day’s announcement, accolades and distribution of “charms” got underway, current committee members like Di Johnston, Ann Dyer, Stacey Walker, Shannon Graham, Merry Wyatt, Nancy Scripps, Peggy Meyer, 2023 CCB Chair Angie Kadesky and past CCB chairs (Debbie Oates, Connie O’Neill, Caren Kline, Christie Carter, Pam Perella and Leslie Diers) played the catch-up game.

Caren revealed that her younger daughter CJ Kline Mitchell and husband Adam Mitchell were driving down for Thanksgiving. The reason for the drive was that the Mitchells were due to deliver the Klines’ first grandson in January. Little did the little guy-to-be know, but he would be the first boy born for both sets of grandparents. Connie was providing advice on grandparenthood about baby car seats (“I still have two in my back seat and don’t know how to remove them”). And the advantages of Genie when it came to disposable diapers.

Across the room Jennifer Dix was receiving congratulations on her being out-and-about after an unplanned gall bladder surgery in October.
As servers place bowls of bread on the tables, the program got underway with 2022 CCB Chair Susan Farris introducing the past chairs and revealing that the traditional award of charms to the year’s top producers would be in the shape of an Italian boot to go along with the ball’s Italiano Splendido theme and a “70” etched to commemorate the organization’s 70 anniversary thanks to Lyles DeGrazier’s Scott Polk.
She then introduced a Headington representative, who told of how the company had expanded its footprint in downtown Dallas and invited the guests across the street following the luncheon for an after-party at Forty Five Ten.

Before announcing the top producers of the year, Susan recognized longtime committee members (Cordelia Boone, Cara French, Fredye Factor and Pam McCallum) for their contributions.

As Joule staffers watched from the back of the room, it was time for the 2022 CCB committee chairs Lindsay Ballotta, Wendy Messmann, Mary Martha Pickens, Elizabeth Gambrell and Kristina Whitcomb to reveal the top producers including:
Children’s Book chaired by Lindsay Ballotta:

- Suzy Gekiere
- Libby Allred
- Lisa Laughlin
- Leigh Anne Haugh
- Lynn McBee
- Susan Glassmoyer
- Alison Malone
- Marybeth Conlon
- Linda Secrest
- Diana Hamilton
Silent Auction/Special Gifts co-chaired by Wendy Messmann and Mary Martha Pickens:

- Lisa Shirley
- Susan Glassmoyer
- Leigh Anne Haugh
- Victoria Snee
- Tiffany Divis
- Katherine Coker
- Jennifer Dix
- Janie Condon
- Michelle Lockhart
- Anne McPherson
Foundations chaired by Elizabeth Gambrell:

- Candace Winslow
- Dee Velvin
- Alicia Wood
- Brooke Shelby
- Susan McSherry Atwell and Kimber Hartmann (tie)
- Leigh Anne Haugh
- Julie Bagley and Bunny Cotten (tie)
- Anne Besser
Underwriting chaired by Kristina Whitcomb:

- Fredye Factor
- Libby Allred
- Cheryl Joyner
- Beth Thoele
- Patty Leyendecker
- Jennifer Dix
- Lisa Cooley
- Meredith Bebee
- Suzy Gekiere
- Amy Hegi
Following the last presentation, it was time for the main course to be served, only it didn’t happen. While the minutes ticked away, some guests recalled the similar delayed situation that had taken place for the group’s Husbands Party on Thursday, October 13.
As the servers apologized for the now hour-long delay promising that the meal was indeed on its way, the Headington rep returned wondering what had delayed the start of the after-party.
Perhaps it was just the Italian jinx of 2022. Luckily, the Joule valets weren’t jinxed and had engines ready on the Commerce side of the hotel.