According to Valor Ranch Founder Keri Anne Wilcox,
“Imagine the face of a veteran… It is changing.
“Transitioning from the military is tough, but even more so for women. Since 2000, female veterans have increased from approximately 60,000 to nearly 500,000. Often, these heroic women feel less socially supported; resulting in the lack of access to resources normally given.
“With this shortage of female-specific veteran services, Valor Ranch aims to address this gap by offering a safe secure environment for the SHEROES to heal from various traumas such as, but not limited to: TBI, PTS and MST.
“With a holistic person-tailored approach, coupled with wraparound community support services the veterans will return to a balanced, thriving, self-sustainable life after the 12-month period. What makes us extra special? Once on the 10-acre ranch, you are greeted by four quaint immaculately decorated fully furnished cottages. They are each 399 square feet with a country porch in front. Each female veteran will stay in a cottage with meal services included rent free.
“During 9-11 Freedom Day, Building Thriving Communities, Valor Ranch activated over 6o volunteers and 22-organizations to serve as we built the infrastructure of the garden. SHEROES can work in the aquaponic garden, with the ranch’s livestock, or in a woodworking area. The Aquaponic garden is designed to give the SHEROES an unique environment. The produce from the garden is donated to veteran families and food banks in North Texas. Through hands on training, there is a developed sense of community with the SHEROES, which will be helping others and themselves. Through the combined work in the garden and farmers markets, they will gain job readiness! With the ability to show skills learned at the ranch, the SHEROES will transition to permanent housing and jobs away from the ranch.
“This is not another tiny home community for the unhoused. We believe every female veteran should continue to write her own story – Will you consider a $100 gift today to help strengthen her network and honor the Shero she is? Are you in? Valor Ranch is only as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let’s bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change. There are many ways to join and support the mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get our message to your friends and family.”
* Graphic/photo provided by Keri Anne Wilcox
Communities Foundation of Texas’ North Texas Giving Day helps build awareness and support for nonprofits like nothing else. In 2021, $66 million was raised through 103,000 donors benefiting over 3,300 local nonprofits, bringing the 13-year total to over $441 million for our community. NTx Giving Day is the largest community-wide giving event in the nation.
On Thursday, September 22, support Valor Ranch Inc. by linking here and spreading the word. #NTxGivingDay