When Ann and Bob Dyer had arranged to host the Day At The Races patron party at their home on Thursday, April 28, they thought the subject would be about the Kentucky Derby and the fundraising efforts for the Turtle Creek Conservancy. Little did they know that Conservancy CEO Tiffany Divis would face a grilling on fracking.

It didn’t start that way. Ann’s dress hadn’t come in as planned, but her black back-up dress was the perfect backdrop for her coat of roses. She laughed when someone noted that the honeybees on her shoes seemed to be headed to the coat. The subject of shoes opened another topic. It seems that on a trip to Palm Beach’s Stubbs and Wootton, “if I bought three shoes on sale at $175 versus to $550, I got a fourth one free. So I bought three. Well, after I bought the three, they came out with a different color leather. I bought three more, so I could get the fourth free. Wow! I got eight pairs of loafers for $1,000.” At full price, the eight would have cost $4,400.
And Ann hadn’t limited her talents to her clothes for the occasion. The Dyers’ dining room table was a wink to the fundraising “run for the roses” fundraiser with a line of miniature horses headed to the arrangement of red roses.

In the front sun room, guests Ellen Winspear, Lynn Fischer, City Councilman Paul Ridley, Leslie Diers and Kim and Greg Hext were treated to a surprise. Tiffany had arranged for Olivia G Dallas‘ Connie Miles to produce hand towels hemstitched with each guest’s initials in their choice of colors.

When TCC board member Peter Dauterman was asked about his natty pastel attire, he laughed and said he was ginning up for the fundraiser on Saturday, May 7, at Turtle Creek Park that was sold out.
But then three gentlemen arrived and asked for Tiffany. They were eager to talk to her. No one thought it odd. Perhaps they wanted to discuss future plans for the Conservancy or make a donation. Instead, they wanted to know her stand on fracking. Come again? Were they wondering if fracking was part of her game plan? After admitting that she didn’t know what fracking had to do with the Park, the trio realized that not only wasn’t this the right “Tiffany” they were asking for, but they were at the wrong gathering. Seems a couple of doors down there was a fundraiser being held for a political candidate named “Tiffany.” Needless to say, the gents exited and opted not to have their initials embroidered on the hand towels.