While some folks thought that the 2022 St. Valentine’s Day Luncheon And Fashion Show patron party was taking place at Highland Park Village’s Alice and Olivia on Thursday, April 28, it actually turned out to take up more real estate than that.
As signs braced themselves on stands against brisk winds, it was discovered that the event would actually be a two-fer taking place at both Alice and Olivia and nearby St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange.
While gals like Victoria Snee and Emmy Berg checked out the racks of clothes at Alice and Olivia, others like 2022 St. Valentine’s Day Chair Lisa Loy Laughlin and 2021 St. Valentine’s Day Chair Melinda Knowles made a beeline to St. Michael’s. As another customer explained, “At St. Michael’s, you’d better get it when you see it, because it’ll be gone the next day.”
Midway through the event, the group gathered in St. Michael’s where Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of North Texas Executive Director Leah Swanson reported that despite the pandemic, LLS has continued to research and support has continued.
In addition to recognizing the event’s sponsors and thanking St. Michael’s Becky Odlozil, Lisa introduced Michael Dammen, whose daughter Amelia would be receiving the 2022 Spirit of Tom Landry Award on Monday, May 16, at the Meyerson Symphony Center.
Melinda Knowles says
Thank you for this lovely coverage! It means so much to LLS as well to those of us who work to get the word out about this important mission – the eradication of cancer – a disease that impacts all of us either personally, or through family and friends.