Maybe it was because of the Dallas Mavs’ televised, teeth-gnawing showdown with the Golden State Warriors in San Francisco, or maybe it was due to the upcoming Memorial Day extended holiday, but tonight’s Dallas Symphony Orchestra League Presentation Ball announcement of the crop of 2023 debs at Stanley Korshak was a slim one, with seven of the 24 debs-to-come, Dallas Symphony Orchestra executives and Stanley Korshak main man Crawford Brock all MIA.
Despite the trimmed-down situation and a what-the-heck-just-happened power blackout mid-way through the program, DSOL President Cynthia Beaird and 2023 Presentation Ball Chair Karen Cox carried on with deb wrangler Heather Moore orchestrating the rollout for the parents and grandparents present.
During an event that’s scheduled to take place on Saturday, February 11, the following DSOL debutantes will bow on the Meyerson stage for the white tie and tail gala: Britton Barcus, Margaret Bracken, Stephanie Ciarochi, Kate Clark, Sarah Crow, Elena Dewar, Gracie Dix, Natalie Duvall, Arden Eiland, Charlotte Esping, Kaitlin Ann Kelly, Celeste Lay, Ella Marks, Ellie Michaelson, Lydia Pigott, Morgan Potter, Sasha Schwimmer, Ellie Steindorf, Catherine Stiles, Elizabeth Thompson, Lucy Tilden, CeCe Tribolet, Danielle Ward and Paige Williams.
In addition to the presentation of the debs, the evening will include a cocktail reception, a seated dinner and an after-party. But leading up to the big night will be a variety of invitation-only activities for the debs, the Honor Guard escorts and their parents. You just know they’ll all be there for the fun and fundraising.