Last year’s Crystal Charity Ball Ten Best Dressed Women of Dallas was “refashioned” to accommodate the rigors of the pandemic. Instead of one major luncheon with a featured designer in the Neiman Marcus Downtown store, it was turned into a two-fer — a brunch and a tea — along with a collection of NM clothes at the NM NorthPark. For the announcement, it was made at a very socially distanced morning gathering of the committee members at NM NorthPark.
Despite the COVID restrictions being almost nil nowadays, 2022 CCB Chair Susan Farris and 10 BD-er Event Chair Jennifer Dix decided to keep it to a two-in-one-day fundraiser at NM NorthPark. However, they did tweak the announcement occasion to a nighttime cocktail party, so that more than just the committee members could attend.
Another change from the year past was the announcement that there would a world renowned couture fashion house providing the clothes on the runway.
While the post is being finished up, check out the 10 BD-ers, Hall of Famer and the other guests at MySweetCharity Photo Gallery.