The Grant Halliburton Foundation team had no sooner cleared the plates for its Beacon of Hope Luncheon on Wednesday, March 9, with Zak Williams than they’ve tackled a lot more events to raise funds for the mission to “to help teens and their families recognize the signs of distress or suicidal crisis in a young person and how to lead them to help.”
In addition to the 20th Annual Bingo Bash on Tuesday, April 26, at Bent Tree and Eric Nadel’s Birthday Benefit on Thursday, June 2, at The Kessler, there’s The Hope Party (formerly know as Steaks on the Lake) on the horizon slated for Friday, November 18.
While more details will be announced in the days ahead, Co-Chairs Jennifer Burns and Diana Hamilton have already arranged for Lael and Peter Brodsky to serve as honorary co-chairs.
Stay tuned for word to be revealed. Don’t bother trying to coerce the info out of Jennifer and Diana. They’re sworn to secrecy until at least mid-May.