Adding the oomph factor to the 2022 Art In Bloom’s “Art Of The Jewel,” guests wore their most fashionable jewel tones on Monday, March 7 for the Dallas Museum of Art League fundraiser at the Dallas Museum of Art. But before the guests could settle down for lunch, a live auction and raffle in the Hamon Atrium — decked out with faux cherry blossom trees, a life-size peacock and framed butterflies — the champagne-sipping crowd gathered in the Horchow Atrium. Event Chair Sila Grogan and Co-Chair Pat McDonough had arranged for a glittering presentation by jewelry designer Paula Crevoshay.

In addition to Paula’s slideshow on how nature has influenced her designs over the years, she introduced the Circle of Gems (aka women who had been more than generous in supporting the DMA League this year) including Dianne Adleta, Meghan Boyett, Barbara Bigham, Ann Brookshire, Regina Bruce, Susan Burke, Debbie Heller Myers, Nancy Lieberman, Penny Loyd, Christine McKenny and Carla Russo, who modeled Paula’s handiwork.

While the post of the fundraiser is being finished, check out the MySweetCharity Photo Gallery.