Hot off the presses, or perhaps it should be hot off the patio of Museum Tower, the Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer 40th Celebration Gala plans were just announced at the high-rise, with sponsorship surprises at every turn.
There was no doubt that the gala’s goal was to make money for Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer founded by Cindy Brinker four decades ago. But Announcement Party Co-Chairs Regina Bruce and Dr. Carla Russo got things started by revealing that BDO USA LLP and CAPTRUST would be presenting sponsors.
As if that wouldn’t be enough to please any underwriter committee, Gala Co-Chairs/mother-daughter Jackie Thornton and Jenice Dunayer had twinkles in their eyes briefly describing the Warrior Basket auction and the Warrior Tribute Walk that would be in place for the gala on Saturday, October 16, at Belo Mansion.

Then Jackie introduced the crowd to Jersey Mike’s District Manager Dalton Stewart. It was Dalton who originated the Jersey Mike’s “Giving Day” more than a decade ago, when he and Cindy raised a whopping $50,000 that first year. Today that little program is held nationally benefiting local charities. So, of course, Dalton wasn’t going to let the Dallas gala be held without a Jersey Mike’s participation. To the delight of the crowd, he announced that when he told Jersey Mike’s Founder/CEO Peter Cancro about the gala, Peter asked how much the title sponsorship would be. Dalton answered, “$50,000.” Without hesitation, Peter not only signed up but upped that number to $100,000.
Needless to say, Peter and his wife Tatiana Cancro will not only be the gala’s honorary co-chairs, but they’ll be the center of attention on the big night.
In meantime, tickets and sponsorships are available here — and Jersey Mike’s are everywhere!