Despite the mask mandate being lifted today, North Texas fundraisers are still proceeding cautiously. That is especially true with the events benefiting healthcare services and programs. For instance, the Women’s Auxiliary to Children’s Medical Center Plano will hold its Legacy of Love Benefit and Fashion Show on Thursday, April 8, at 6:30 p.m. But it will be presented virtually at Grandscape Amphitheater.

According to Women’s Auxiliary President Joan Smith,”This event will look different this year, but will hold the same, if not more, impact from years past as we continue the tradition of Legacy of Love to raise funds and awareness for the Children’s Medical Center of Plano.”
She added with emphasis, “We are passionate about Children’s Health’s mission to make life better for children and are honored to play a part in the process.”

In addition to providing “inspiring patient stories, interactive virtual experiences and celebrity and designer interviews,” the fashion show will feature clothes from Valerie Garmino, Topped Hats, Izzy K by Gemelli, Ferrah, Sai Sankoh, Esé Azénabor and Don Morphy.
Individual tickets range from $60 for a standard ticket to $125 for premier tickets that include “an enhanced experience (heavy appetizer, delectable treats, beverages, a box of surprises and interactive props).”
“Bubble Party Ticket” packages are available going for groups of two ($200), four ($400) and/or six ($600).
Since 2010 the Auxiliary has raised more than $1.6M for Children’s Health’s commitment to make life better for children.
As Children’s Medical Center Foundation President Brent Christopher put it, “The Women’s Auxiliary to Children Medical Center Plano believes deeply in making life better for children. The impact of their continued partnership across the years is huge. Legacy of Love provides life-changing funds that directly benefit patients and their families, while giving everyone a special glimpse of what happens at Children’s Health. This year’s virtual show will be spectacular, as always, and we can’t wait!”
* Graphic courtesy of Children's Medical Center Foundation ** Photo credit: Jill Doty