For folks who want to double their donation, the time has come. North Texas Food Bank President/CEO Trisha Cunningham just sent word that the good people at Sammons Enterprises and the Beaumont Foundation of America are “doubling every gift you make through the end of the year — up to $200,000!”

BTW, if you’re totally wiped out of funds for giving, consider volunteering for NTFB. Trisha and her crew have literally been on the frontline of assembling and handing out food for those in need. And they could always use an extra pair of hands.
And if you’re one of the many North Texans who are experiencing the need for help for the first time, don’t be embarrassed. You’re not the only one in the lifeboat and organizations like North Texas Food Bank are there to help you through the storm.
* Graphic courtesy of North Texas Food Bank