Admit it. Eight months ago, you would never have imagined a mask being the absolute necessity in your wardrobe. They’re uncomfortable, hide smiles and even the most couture designs aren’t all that flattering.
Still there are some good points to the face covers. Gals are saving on lipstick purchases and lip plumping appointments. And then there are definite signs that the mandatory mask requirements are slowing down the COVID-19 rampage.
Now there is a chance for more good news resulting from these pesky covers. There is the possibility that if folks will continue wearing them, washing hands and getting flu shots, we just might wallop this year’s flu season. Talk about a two-for-one, knock-out punch.
As CareNow Regional Medical Director Dr. Shawn Riley points out, “It’s especially important for North Texans with other medical conditions to plan to get a flu shot, as soon as it’s available, because of the complications both viruses can cause. It is also possible to contract both viruses at the same time.”
Not only are flu shots now available with many being free thanks to insurance, there are some offers of discounts on grocery purchases.