2019-2020 Aware Dallas President Jolie Humphrey held the final meeting of her tenure. Taking place in the virtual universe, Jolie made some announcements before having a presentation by Dr. Steve Small, dean of the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Despite the 2020 Aware Affair not being held on Friday, April 3, due to COVID-19 restrictions, Jolie revealed that the event would take place next spring with the same theme and same honorary chairs. As for the exact date and location that would be announced at a later date.
However, the fundraiser’s auction would be taking place from Friday, May 15, thru Friday, May 22. Not only will it be open to Affair guests, but the rest of the world will be able to bid since the auction will be online. Stay tuned for the link to the website with the auction items.
Another piece of Jolie’s report was that Barbara Glass would be succeeding Jolie as president for 2020-2021.
* Photo credit: Dana Driensky * Graphic provided by Aware Dallas