This Sunday at 2 a.m., that hour you lost back in March will be restored thanks to the end of Daylight Saving Time. In addition to getting to sleep in an hour longer, the sun will be rising at 6:46 a.m. and setting at 5:34 p.m.
While there is no fundraising activity to celebrate the returned hour, there are some things that you can do around the house/office. For instance,
- Turn the clocks in your house and car back an hour before going to sleep Saturday night. If you have kids, make it a game to see who can spot the most fixes needed. If you don’t turn the clocks back, you’ll be an hour early for Sunday church services.
- Check the batteries in your fire/smoke/carbon monoxide detectors.
- Instead of taking your usual afternoon walk, take it in the morning.
- Be patient with your kids and pets. They’ll still be on the old schedule for naps, walks and feeding. Consider moving their usual feeding/bedtime earlier by 30 minutes for a couple of days before “falling back.” Then return to their usual schedule after Sunday.
- Don’t be surprised if people seem a little more edgy during the two days following the change.
- Edit your medicine cabinet for expired medications, but don’t toss them in the trash or down the commode. Instead take them to a permanent drug drop box.
- You’ll have an extra hour of putting your 2019 Partners Card to use before the The Family Place program ends at midnight Sunday.
But don’t get to use to this change because you’re going to lose that hour on Sunday, March 8, when Daylight Saving Time once again begins.