Venise Stuart was doing presidential double-duties on Tuesday, December 11. Earlier in the day she had presided over the Les Femmes du Monde holiday tea at Cynthia Beaird’s. With just enough time to change into her Park Cities Historic and Preservation Society presidential cocktail dress, she and husband Larry Stuart headed to Marcella and Brian Wilde’s home for the PCHPS’s Holiday Party, joining President-Elect Marla Boone and her husband Mike Boone, Susan and Tom Stanzel, Ralph Randall, Madeline Jobst, Doris Jacobs., and about 70 other guests.

Talk of the night included plans for the upcoming April’s fundraising events including the Distinguished Speaker Luncheon co-chaired by Shelby Fuqua and Julia Fuqua on Wednesday, April 10, with a speaker TBA.
This year’s Historic Home Tour on Saturday, April 13, will be chaired by Suzie Curnes with four fabulous homes at
- 3615 Cornell owned by Ted and Camellia Shoemaker. Built in 1920 by Fooshee and Cheek, the home was purchased by the Shoemakers from Ted’s mother and former second grade Armstrong Elementary School teacher Mary Shoemaker.
- 3910 Gillon owned by Sydney and Elizabeth Hurley and built in 1918 by Hal Thompson.
- 3524 Saint Johns owned by Kate and Jack LaGere and built in 1928.
- 3657 Stratford owned by Susan and Jim Murray and built in 1916.
Once again Polly and Dan McKeithen will orchestrate the Classic and Antique Car Show on Saturday, April 27. Fingers are crossed that this year’s car show will be rain-free, so that the rain date of Saturday, May 4, won’t be needed.
Word has it that advance tickets will be available after the New Year’s holiday.