The key-loving Dallas’ Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae are already planning for the 25th Annual Tablescapes! Following tradition, the two-day program is tailor-made for every host/hostess thanks to glorious table settings, a world-renowned speaker and delicious get-togethers. It’s simply a cornucopia of ideas that could inspire festive looks for an heirloom dining room table or even a fold-out card table.

2019 Tablescapes Co-Chairs Anne McPherson, Kim Purnell and Stacey Walker are staying tightlipped about the table designers and the speaker at this time, but don’t you just know it’s gonna be a big one for the 25th anniversary!

However, they have just revealed that the plan calls for the event to return to the Dallas Country Club on Monday, October 14, and Tuesday, October 15.
As for the 2019 beneficiaries, this year’s proceeds will benefit the following: Austin Street Center, Design Connect Create, Family Gateway, For the Nations: Refugee Outreach, Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, Our Friends Place, ScholarShot, The Magdalen House and Wesley Rankin Community Center.
Stay tuned for the rest of the details as they’re served up and save those dates.
* Graphic provided by Kappa Kappa Gamma Dallas