The Equest Women’s Auxiliary Luncheon and Style Show is a little gem in the world of fashion fundraisers. It’s the type of group and event that Emily Post would use as an example of being strictly top drawer and proper. So, the patron party at Highland Park Village’s Escada salon on Wednesday, September 19, had all the initial appearances of being business as usual, with its by-invitation-only reception. Fresh from the 2018 Crystal Charity Ball Fashion Show the week before, two models wore Escada outfits for guests like Luncheon Chair Heather Randall, Lisa Singleton, Carol Huckin, DeeDee Lee, Angie Kadesky, Beth Thoele, Nancy Carter, Emilynn and Claude Wilson and Jan Strimple check out.

In the back of the salon, meantime, was a couple seated in chairs observing the goings-on and sipping drinks. While other guests were in suits and knee-length dresses, the twosome seemed a bit out of place. Perhaps it was the female’s shortest of shorts. But no one questioned their presence or, for example, asked whether they might be new underwriters.
Otherwise all seemed copacetic for the crowd. Equest Executive Director Lili Kellogg was introducing new Chief Philanthropy Officer Margo McClinton Stoglin and revealing that staffer Christine Vollmer had been promoted to the position of Director of Community Engagement. Okay, so maybe one gal’s zipper hadn’t made it to the finish line on the back of her dress, and Equest Women’s Auxiliary President Kara Axley arrived a half hour into the party due to a kid-delivery issue. But still, the party was following protocol.

Then cellphones blasted throughout the text world about the arrival of an entourage of unknowns decked out in “rapper”-type street jewelry and eye-catching tattoos. As they joined the crowd, the scent of couture perfume was replaced with the whiff of a different scent.
“I think they’re high,” one guest told a gentleman. He didn’t understand what she said and asked her to repeat her comment, which she did. He laughed and said, “I thought you said, ‘They’re hot.'”
The newbies felt right at home joining the guests sipping champagne and handing out their business cards about their latest musical release. Escada GM Jamie Hermosillo, Lili and Auxiliary representatives gave each other “Are-they-your-guests?” looks. No one seemed to know nor did anyone take any action to question the surprise guests. That is until guest Kelly Perkins simply walked up to the rappers and asked if they knew that the party was for Equest’s fundraiser underwriters. Were they underwriters? No, it seems they had seen the event listed on Facebook and had RSVP-ed their acceptance. Kelly suggested that they might want to buy some raffle tickets for the October 2 fundraiser at Brook Hollow. With that, the rappers took their leave.
And while it wasn’t the usual patron party for the Equest crowd, one donor did claim, “Best patron party ever!”
Who knows? Perhaps the Kardashians will one day have a fashion show at the Dallas Woman’s Club …