And the announcements just keep rolling in! Dallas Historical Society President Bill Helmbrecht just revealed plans for the 37th Awards for Excellence Luncheon and the 2018 Awards for Excellence (AFE) in Community Service honorees. As reported earlier, the annual fundraiser will be held on Thursday, November 1, at the Fairmont Dallas. This year the presenting sponsor will be Pegasus Bank.

Laurie and Phil Evans will be co-chairing the luncheon and will be joined by Honorary Co-Chairs/past awardees Marnie and Kern Wildenthal, who have “provided volunteer leadership for numerous educational and charitable organizations through their generous gifts of time and resources to the community” including an endowment for Literacy Achieves, formerly known as Vickery Meadow Learning Center.

Serving as coordinator/advisor extraordinaire will be longtime DHS supporter Louise Caldwell.
Now for the drum roll! The 2018 Awards for Excellence recipients:
- Arts Leadership (This award is given to an individual who has enriched the cultural life of Dallas as planner, organizer, fundraiser, collector or art historian.) — Zenetta S. Drew
- Business (This award is given to that individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the business climate of the community.) — Katherine Wagner
- Creative Arts (This award is given to that individual whose prominence as a practitioner of the fine arts as artisan, architect, writer, composer, producer or performer has enriched the cultural environment of Dallas.) — Liz Mikel
- Education/Administration (This award is given to that individual who has made an exceptional contribution to the field of education as a teacher, administrator or benefactor.) — Yasmin Bhatia
- Education Advocate (This award is given to an individual or organization that has made an exceptional contribution to the field of education as a teacher, administrator or benefactor.) — The Links, Incorporated (The Dallas Chapter)
- Health/Science (This award is given to the individual (s) who has made an outstanding contribution through prominence or public service in medicine, scientific research, the behavioral sciences or public health.) — Jonathan C. Cohen, Ph.D. and Helen H. Hobbs, M.D.
- History (This award is given to that individual who has researched and chronicled aspects of the history of Dallas and Texas as a historian, journalist, researcher, folklorist or author.) — Dian Malouf
- Humanities (This award is given for leadership in achieving specific community goals.) — Louise and Donald Cowan Center
- Philanthropy (This award is given to that individual whose vision and personal generosity has greatly benefited this city.) — Betty Regard
- Sports Leadership (This award is given to that individual who has brought distinction or achievement to team or individual sports as an athlete, coach, journalist, promoter or sports advocate.) — Nancy Lieberman
- Volunteer Community Leadership (This award is given to that individual whose generous gift of self has enriched the community.) — Regen Horchow Fearon
- Jubilee History Maker (Created in 1991 and given in recognition of “Jubilee Dallas!,” this award recognizes an individual whose achievements extend to more than one of the award categories.) — Tom Dunning
Information about table sales and underwriting is available here and by calling Nora Lenhart at 214.421.4500, Ext. 106. Individual tickets start at $125.