It’s not everyone who has Diane Sawyer and David Muir show up for their going away party. Well, “20/20” anchor Elizabeth Vargas did. After working at ABC for 21 years, she was the guest of honor at a party Monday, May 21, hosted by Senior Executive Producer David Sloan.
Starting Monday the 55-year-old brunette will be “the face of the new A&E franchise, ‘A&E Investigates.’”
What does this have to do with North Texas nonprofits? Simple. She’s coming to town for “Leave A Legacy” supper at Dallas Auction Gallery on Thursday, October 11, for The Magdalen House that has helped women in recovery from alcoholism for the past 31 years.
According to Magdalen House Executive Director Lisa Kroencke, “More than 108,000 women are alcohol-dependent in the Dallas County area. We believe that our no-cost treatment program, provided in a safe and supportive environment, with accurate information about the problem and the solution, will help women recover from alcoholism.”
Elizabeth herself knows about the struggle of alcoholism and wrote a book, “Between Breaths: A Memoir Of Panic and Addition,” dealing her battle that resulted in repeated relapses, near firing by ABC News and the impact on her marriage. Finally in 2014 it was being drunk the day of her 8-year-old son’s birthday that was the final straw. Instead of baking a vanilla coconut cake, she drank the day away resulting in her brother and sister taking her to a detox center in California.
Tickets are available here.
* Photo courtesy of The Magdalen House