Dallas Symphony Orchestra League President Lisa Loy Laughlin has just revealed plans for DSOL’s Fashion Notes Luncheon and Style Show. She’s arranged to have Amy Turner serve as event chair and Dianne Etheredge and her daughter Meagan Etheredge Sells as honorary co-chairs for the fundraiser at The Fairmont Dallas’ Venetian Room.
Providing the fall fashions will be debutante loving Stanley Korshak with “strong, successful and style contributors to our community” including “Mother/Daughter dream teams, past and present DSOL Presidents, Debutantes, Assembly members and the cutest League grandchildren” on the runway as models.
In addition to the fashion show, a silent and a live auction and luncheon, the first ever Fashion Notes Designer Award will be presented to Dallas’ own award-winning fashion designer Lela Rose, who is herself a former DSOL debutante.
Funds raised from the event will benefit the Dallas Symphony Association and its education and community outreach programs like DSO on the Go, Community Concerts and Performances, Cecil and Ida Green Youth Concerts, Symphony Yes!, DSO Kids and Young Strings.
The event will take place on Monday, October 29, starting at 10:15 a.m. Tickets start at $300, but table hosts, sponsors and underwriters receive perks like preferred seating, special program visibility and more.
Deborah Brown says
WOW!! Thank you, Jeanne! This is wonderful!!!