Not since Krispy Kremes opened their first location in North Texas had there been a lineup of folks trying to get into a retailer. But on Thursday, April 12, the most fashionable type were cooling their stilettos waiting to get past check-in at Highland Park Village’s Dior.
Was it a 2-for-1 sale? A 75% off bargain? Nope. It was the 2018 Chick Lit Patron Party that Luncheon Chair Mersina Stubbs had orchestrated the night before the big Community Partners of Dallas fundraising luncheon at the Anatole. The draw was keynote chatter Katie Holmes.

Expected to arrive at 6, Katie was delayed. Afterall, the parking in HP Village knows no special cases. While waiting for Katie to arrive, the talk was about Mersina’s falling a couple of weeks ago. The results were a black eye and a broken nose that wouldn’t have noticed if Mersina hadn’t fessed up.

Presenting Co-Sponsor Bob Tafel looking downright scrawny. It resulted from his spending a couple of months recovering from a bout of pneumonia. When asked if he had had his pneumonia shot, he waved off the idea saying to wait until the next version of the shot became available.
In the meantime, word was passed that there would be no meet-and-greet line. Instead, when Katie arrived, she would be whisked away to the back of the salon and chitchat with guests.
Sounded like a great plan, but when Katie arrived, she stood in the doorway looking amused at all the attention. She had hardly been introduced to Presenting Co-Sponsor Lara Tafel when they were waylaid for photos. BTW, unlike those celeb types who seem shorter in person, Katie is the much taller than expected. But she still has that perfect girlish smile.
When she and her handler finally made it to the back of the salon, she just took a seat and chatted with guests. Because of her being seated, there were guests just in the room who asked, “When is Katie arriving?”
Not to worry. They had plenty of time to see her the next day.