It helps to have friends and the Museum of Biblical Art’s 8×8 Art Exhibition And Auction 2015 Co-Chairs Bob Malenfant and Jeff Levine are lucky to have a friend like Ruth Buzzi and her hubby Kent Perkins. Just their involvement in the fundraising auction is enough to send up fireworks. But Ruthie and Kent took friendship a step further. They got on the horn to some of their pals and asked if they would donate their own 8″ by 8″ pieces of art for “Celebrity Artist Gallery” part of the Wednesday, November 18th event.
Say, would you like to know the friends they tapped? Sure you do. Let’s list them in alphabetical order, so no favoritism is being shown: Dan Aykroyd, Carol Burnett, Kris Kristofferson, Ruta Lee, Barbara Mandrell, Anne Murray, Jane Seymour, Sean Michael Flynn, Lily Tomlin, Jane Wagner and JoAnne Worley.
They’ll be just a few of the professional and celebrity artists who have contributed more than 100 pieces of “paintings, sculpture, glass, photography and works on paper” to support the Museum’s education programs including the Summer Art Camp for Kids, Heroes of History Field Trips for low-income youth and inner-city schools.
Tickets are just $25. The party starts at 7, so get there early so you can decide how many you’re gonna bid on. (Sorry about ending that last sentence with a preposition) All bids start at $100. In addition to the auction, there will be a country swing band, barbecue and a wine pull.
* Graphics provided by the Museum of Biblical Arts
Sharon Cooper says
Thank you so much for your sharing the news about 8 x 8! It’s going to be a fun evening and a great opportunity to purchase fine art at reasonable prices.