The Frontiers of Flight definitely had an aura of India on Saturday, March 28. In addition to being filled to the rafters with 2,000 no-tie-types, there were colorful saris and Ghagra Choli sprinkled throughout the crowd thanks to the 10th Annual No Tie Dinner And Dessert’s theme, “A Taste of Bollywood.”
No Tie Co-Chair David Nelson looked simply smashing in his elegant ivory and black Nehru jacket, as did No Tie Co-Chair Dennis Kershner in his silver and white jacket. Angela Choquette, Courtney Westmoreland Rider, Andrea Varrone, Deanna Cahill and Cary Deuber sari-ed it up. Why Deanna, Courtney, Andrea and Cary even added tikkas.
While they weren’t in Indian attire, the Bravo film crew was easy to spot taping a possible segment of the “Ladies of Dallas.” They…the crew, not the ladies…were the ones in black with the really big lights and camera equipment.
With DJ Brandon Olds handling the music from a platform between two mammoth screens at the back of the main room, the big spenders were upstairs partying in the VIP Lounge and celebrating Joe Pacetti’s being presented with the Sheila Dolezal Humanitarian Award.
Presented by the Purple Foundation, the No Tie Dinner & Dessert benefits AIDS Services for Dallas providing “housing and supportive services for low-income and formerly homeless men, women, children and families living with HIV/AIDS.”