Those great Friends of Wilkinson Center have “reinvented the wheel.” Instead of doing their tradition gala, they’ve decided go a little more laid back. Instead of fancy duds and la-di-da glitter, Event Co-Chairs: Cathy Brittingham Saxon and Missy Huber and Honorary Co-Chairs Ann and Bob Dyer are opting for Taos chic wear and turquoise finery.
As for the entertainment, they’ve arranged for Dallas native Southwest Americana singer/songwriter Michael Hearne to perform at The Lot in Lakewood.
So, mark your calendar for Friday, November 7, to spend the evening with “friends.” All proceeds will go to The Wilkinson Center.
BTW, if you get a chance, send a get-well note to Wilkinson Center Executive Director Anne Reeder. She now has matching state-of-the-art hips. As her Wilkinson munchkins say, “Hip, hip, hurray!”