Dad-gummit. Diets are definitely going to have be undertaken with a vengeance. Why? Because the 2014 fundraising luncheons are going to be daily musts.
Another gotta-go-to-luncheon has just popped up on the fundraising radar. Mark down Thursday, May 1, because the Jewish Family Service of Greater Dallas is going to have the Divine Miss M (aka Bette Midler) as the keynote speaker for its Woman To Woman Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency.
How smart Luncheon Co-Chairs Linda Garner, Beth Konig, Sheryl Pidgeon, Laurie Platt and Cindy Ray Yablonsky are. Bette is involved in so many different areas — music, film environmental. Whoa! What was that last one? In addition to her award-winning singing and acting (four Grammys, four Golden Globes, three Emmys and a Tony Award), she founded the New York Restoration Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reclaiming and restoring New York City parks, community gardens and open space.” And the lady walks the walk. To get Upper Manhattan’s neglected Fort Tryon Park cleaned up, she “rolled up her own sleeves and picked up garbage” there.
Proceeds from the luncheon will benefit “JFS’s programs and services for anyone in need, regardless of age, race, religion, ethnicity or the ability to pay for as long as needed.”
As for the luncheon, if you’ve ever seen Bette Midler in concert or seen her in an interview, you know she can make Dale Hansen sound darn shy and retiring. She’s funny; she’s smart; she speaks her mind.
Here goes another future sell-out. Better lock down your tickets/sponsorships pronto.
* Photo courtesy of Jewish Family Service of Greater Dallas