Fresh Faces of Fashion Founder Yvonne Crum reports:
“This year I plan to work more on my friendships by calling and actually visiting with them by phone or in person. I have a habit of being the ’email queen’ and sometimes don’t talk to people I care a lot about for weeks/months. Good friends are the best and what makes us who we are, it’s as simple as that!”
-Yvonne Crum
yvonne says
I really do intend to do that.. All that I owe a phone call , you will get it..
Jan says
I need to follow your lead.
Ed Bernet says
Yvonne, your idea is the best!! I think of that same thing from time to time…there are people I know well, have known a LONG time, people I like and admire and know as friends…and I realize that I’ve not talked with many of them in a long time. Thanks for the reminder!!