It’s not everyone who begs out on Barbara Bush, but Rhodes Scholar/ author Wes Moore had to last November. It was her “Celebration of Reading” and he was on the program. But not to worry. The amazing war hero who time-and-time again has proved himself to be the other Wes Moore. . . the same name, the other face. . . will be here for Jonathan’s Place for “A Chance to Soar” on Tuesday, June 5 at Brook Hollow Golf Club.
Confused? We were until it was learned that two men bore the name of “Wes Moore” from a tough neighborhood in Baltimore. One was a Rhodes Scholar. The other was serving time for murder. The Rhodes Scholar/White House Scholar fella learned about his counterpart when his mum notified him that there were posters being circulated in their neighborhood about “Wes Moore,” who had killed a police officer. The good-guy Wes was nowhere near the scene of the crime. He was in South Africa
Over time the two Weses exchanged correspondence and visits. Rhodes Scholar Wes learned that there were parallels between their lives. What separated their lives? His book “The Other Wes Moore” published in 2010 addressed the very issues that made one a hero and the other a social outcast. Needless to say, it became a “common read” and instant best seller.
In addition to being a decorated Afghan veteran, the author is an articulate advocate for education and how it makes a difference in life.
If you want to witness a captivating talk, you’ll want to check out the Jonathan’s Place fundraiser.

In addition to benefiting Jonathan’s Place, it’s also honoring Pam Busbee, who tends to live up to the latter part of her last name. . . “bee.” Busy, busy, busy bee. Pam chaired the 2011 Salvation Army Fashion Show and Luncheon is scheduled to co-chair Celebrating Women this fall.
Sorry, but if you had plans to duck out for the summer after Memorial Day, let’s rethink that one. This luncheon has all the signs of being a life-changer.
yvonne says
makes you want to go so you can hear “THE REST OF THE STORY”
Pam Busbee is a go getter.. so don’t miss this.